Perfo Evaluation


Perfo Evaluation


Product design



Perfo Evaluation
My role:

- User Experience Designer for Systematic Inventory View (SIV)
- Redesign HelloFresh’s design system: 

Figma Design system

What’s Perfo App?

The PerfoApp conduct annual performance evaluations of employees, is a comprehensive software platform specifically designed to improve and facilitate the assessment and review of an employee's work performance on a yearly basis.

It serves as a centralized system that supports the evaluation process by providing a structured framework for both managers and employees to effectively assess and analyze various aspects of job performance.This application acts as a valuable tool for managers, allowing them to efficiently evaluate employee performance by providing a standardized evaluation process.

It offers a range of features and functionalities, such as customizable evaluation forms and performance criteria, that enable managers to assess performance consistently and objectively. By utilizing this software platform, managers can effectively measure key performance indicators, track progress, and identify areas for improvement.

Key Features

When creating the performance assessment system I thoroughly explored the fundamentals of managing performance. To start I focused on grasping the significance of performance measurements making sure that managers and employees can work together to establish and track performance indicators (KPIs) that are customized to align with the goals of the company as well, as individual responsibilities.

Understanding the importance of setting goals and tracking progress I highlighted the need for a framework to create and monitor SMART goals. This helped employees stay on track with their objectives throughout the year ensuring clarity and alignment.

Effective performance evaluation relies heavily on communication. To support this I have implemented tools that encourage feedback. These tools ensure that channels, for conversations are always open whether, through scheduled meetings or spontaneous feedback forms. Additionally the platform simplifies the formal review process by providing managers with structured evaluation criteria and a user friendly system to input diverse feedback forms.

UI design

When developing the design system for an annual evaluation app tailored for employers across different companies, my primary objective was to create a versatile and adaptable system that could be effortlessly customized to align with the distinct needs and brand identities of diverse organizations.
To achieve this, I embarked on the following strategies:

Library of UI Components: I established a comprehensive library of UI components like buttons, forms, navigation menus, cards, and more. These components were designed in a modular manner, allowing for easy customization and assembly to meet specific design requirements. By utilizing these pre-designed components, developers and designers could efficiently build and customize screens within the app.

Customization Options: Recognizing the significance of brand identity, I integrated robust customization options within the design system. This allowed organizations to seamlessly incorporate their unique brand elements, including logos, fonts, and color palettes, into the UI design system. By providing flexibility in branding, the app could deliver a consistent and cohesive brand experience aligned with each organization's identity.

Accommodating Brand Identities: The UI design system was meticulously designed to accommodate a wide range of brand identities and color schemes. Through customizable styles and themes, organizations could easily align the app's visual elements with their branding guidelines.

Working in collaboration

I engaged in a close collaboration with the human resources team, undertaking an extensive research process to comprehensively understand their specific needs and requirements regrding to the evaluation process. This involved conducting user interviews and surveys to gain insights into the existing evaluation processes and uncover pain points experienced by employees and managers.

By conducting user interviews and surveys, I gained in-depth knowledge of the diverse perspectives and experiences of the employees and managers involved in the evaluation process. This allowed me to identify key pain points, understand their expectations, and pinpoint areas of improvement.

Based on the findings derived h, I successfully identified the various types of evaluations that the web application needed to support. These included performance reviews, goal setting, and feedback collection.

High-Fidelity Prototyping

a. Utilizing the design system, I created high-fidelity prototypes that accurately represented the intended functionality, visual design, and user interactions of the web application.

b. Through collaboration with the human resources team, we gathered feedback on the prototypes and iteratively refined the design based on their input. This ensured that the web application effectively met the needs of both employees and managers.

User Testing and Iteration

I organized and facilitated user testing sessions with evaluators and evaluates, observing how users interacted with the application, identifying usability issues, and collecting feedback on the overall user experience.

Throughout the entire design process, I maintained close collaboration with the human resources team, seeking their input and ensuring that the final design aligned with their requirements and objectives.

Through ongoing discussions and feedback loops, we made iterative improvements, refining the design and ensuring that it delivered a seamless and user-friendly experience for both employees and managers.

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