Coto Cicsa Apl.


Coto Cicsa Apl.


Product design



Coto Cicsa Apl.
My role:

- User Experience Designer for Systematic Inventory View (SIV)
- Redesign HelloFresh’s design system: 

Figma Design system


Coto C.I.C.S.A is a chain of supermarkets and hypermarkets in Argentina.
It has a total of 120 branches, with the majority located in, Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area, and others spread across the entire country.

Coto is one of the leading supermarkets in Argentina, with real estate and technological development. It has livestock and agricultural productions, as well as involvement in the refrigeration and poultry industry.

Design process

The process of redesigning the E commerce user experience began by researching the market and investigating user preferences. This phase provided insights that played a role in shaping the redesign.

To gather market insights I extensively analyzed industry trends, competitor websites and customer preferences. This research helped identify emerging patterns and opportunities for improvement.

Furthermore the company aimed to understand the needs, expectations and pain points of our target audience. I conducted user research such as surveys, interviews and usability testing to gather feedback directly from existing customers as potential users. This allowed us to gain insights into user behaviors, preferences and frustrations when engaging with our website and native apps.

Based on these research findings we identified areas that needed improvement such as navigation challenges, product discoverability, checkout process efficiency and overall user satisfaction.

With this knowledge in hand we embarked on improving our existing website and app with a focus, on putting users at the center of our approach.

Crafting a Seamless User Journey

By addressing the pain points users had vocalized and incorporating the latest in industry best practices and design trends, I aimed to make the user journey intuitive and engaging.

My efforts focused on improving the navigation of both the website and app, I simplified each step of the shopping experience, ensuring that from product discovery to checkout, users felt guided.

To improve the user-flow, I developed clear, user-friendly menu, refined search capabilities, and customize product suggestions based on user preferences. These initiatives were adapted towards increasing the overall discoverability of products, making each user's journey more personalized and efficient.

The checkout procedure was also transformed, my goal was to minimize any difficulty and ensure transactions flowed smoothly, reflecting the needs of contemporary e-commerce shoppers. Additionally, I integrated visual upgrades and adopted a responsive design approach, ensuring users had a consistent and visually appealing experience, regardless of the device they were on.

An important aspect of the redesign was the iterative feedback loop. I actively engaged with users, collected their feedback, and conducted tests. This continuous shaped the design, allowing me to capture the essence of the user journey.

A UX Deep Dive into improved

user journeys

In my analysis of Coto's e-commerce platform, I identified several critical areas for improvement.

Firstly, understanding that Coto's diverse audience accesses the platform through various devices—like smartphones, PCs, and tablets—it was essential to consider the unique expectations of each segment. I introduced responsive designs tailored to each devices, ensuring an optimized shopping experience. For instance, mobile users were treated to quick access buttons, and desktop users experienced a richer visual layout. I utilized the power of AI to discern individual browsing patterns, enabling personalized product suggestions.

An immediate concern was the existing interface's congestion, where information overflow obstruct the user experience. We established a clear visual hierarchy, using elements like distinct typography, strategic spacing, and intuitive visual cues. This ensured users could navigate through Coto's offerings without feeling overwhelmed.

Addressing concerns about data security, especially when users hesitated to provide personal details or payment information, was key. Beyond conveying the rigorous security measures Coto employed, I also support the integration of advanced encryption and secure payment gateways. Clear, reassuring messages about data safety were shown throughout the user journey, aiming to instill confidence.

The initial purchase experience, a crucial moment in the user journey, needed particular attention. Recognizing the challenges faced by new users, especially given Coto's vast product range, I introduced a guided purchasing tutorial. This step-by-step assistance, complete with tooltips.

Feedback indicated that Coto's registration process was exhaustive, often deterring potential customers. In response, users were initially asked for just the essentials, with more comprehensive details requested as they delved deeper into the platform. Furthermore, the integration of social media logins offered a rapid registration alternative, appealing to the tech-savvy segment of Coto's user base.

UX discovery

With Coto's expansive inventory and shipping logistics, order tracking was a user concern. I proposed real-time status updates, from order placement to estimated delivery windows, ensuring transparency. This proactive communication reduced user concern and cultivated trust.

Lastly, recognizing the gaps in Coto's existing support system, I recommended diverse communication touchpoints, from in-app live chats to comprehensive FAQ sections. This comprehensive support  ensured users always found the assistance they might need, gaining trust in Coto's reputation as a user-centric e-commerce platform.

Creating an Optimal User Interface & Process

Clear and Simple Interface

To ensure a smooth free checkout experience, I proposed the implementation of a clear and intuitive interface. The interface design minimizes distractions and presents information in a concise manner.

By incorporating visual cues such as progress indicators, users can easily navigate through the checkout steps and have a clear understanding of their current progress within the process.

Guest Checkout Option

I suggested including a guest checkout option to address the issue of registration processes as it could discourage users.
By providing customers with the choice to check out without creating an account, we eliminate unnecessary barriers and facilitate the purchase process, particularly for one-time buyers.

Auto-Fill and Address Verification: Ensuring Accuracy and Convenience

Working closely with the development team, I implemented auto-fill functionality within the checkout process. This feature fill the form fields with relevant information such as the user's shipping and billing addresses, leveraging their existing account or previous orders.

Simplified Form Fields

To make the checkout process smoother I suggested reducing the number of form fields that need to be filled out. By only requesting essential information, such as shipping address, payment details, and contact information, we reduce friction and save valuable time for users, resulting in a more efficient and user-friendly experience.

Multiple Payment Options: Catering to Customer Preferences

In order to include diverse customer preferences and maximize conversion rates, we introduced a variety of payment options. This includes popular methods such as credit/debit cards, digital wallets like Apple Pay and Google Pay, as well as alternative payment solutions like PayPal and Klarna.

By offering a range of payment choices, we provide customers with flexibility and convenience.

Secure payments process

To introduce trust and confidence in customers, it was crucial to clearly communicate the security measures in place to protect their payment information. By prominently displaying trust indicators such as SSL certificates and security badges, we ensure customers feel secure throughout the checkout process.

Transparent pricing

Maintaining transparency and trust it is crucial in the checkout process. To achieve this, I implemented a pricing structure that displays the total cost upfront, including item prices, taxes, shipping fees, and any additional charges.

Order summary and review

Upon successful purchase, it was essential to provide immediate confirmation to customers. This includes presenting an order summary at the end of the checkout process, as well as sending a confirmation email. Furthermore, to keep customers informed about the status of their order, we established a system of regular email or SMS notifications, offering updates on shipping progress and estimated delivery dates.

Dedicated support and help

Understanding the significance of providing customer service I made sure that there is always assistance and support available, throughout the entire checkout process. By attending to any questions or concerns from customers we strive to instill confidence and create an experience, from beginning to end.

By implementing these improvements to the checkout experience, we aimed to create an optimal user interface and process that would simplify the path to purchase, instill trust and confidence, and ultimately contribute to increased customer satisfaction and conversion rates.


The use of heat maps has been extremely helpful gaining insights into user interactions and identifying areas that need improvement. Complementing the heatmap analysis, in-house interviews were also conducted, which gave us an understanding of their needs and preferences. This information helped us make refinements to the design and functionality of the app.

The new design system and information architecture have led to user engagement increased conversion rates and higher user satisfaction. These positive outcomes demonstrate the effectiveness of our efforts in improving the user experience.

However it's important to acknowledge that continuous testing and refinement are crucial for long term success. We regularly use heatmaps to monitor the apps performance and identify any areas that may need optimization. Additionally we conduct in house interviews, with users to ensure we are constantly considering their evolving needs and preferences.

This iterative approach, driven by data and user insights allows our team to make decisions and continuously upgrade the apps design and user experience.
By putting the needs and expectations of its users constantly testing and refining the app will be, in a position to adapt to their ever changing requirements.

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